24 April 2010

La Mission

Today I watched an awesome film called LA MISSION starring Benjamin Bratt and Erika Alexander in magnificent performances. I liked the multi-cultural cast, the music, and the setting of San Francisco. This was certainly one of the most unique movies I have seen in a long time.

The writing is superb. Characters talk the way people actually do. After the screening I told the director/writer/producer Peter Bratt and the film’s star Benjamin Bratt how I think it is great the dialog is so natural and Benjamin commented that some people have assumed everyone was improvising when in fact Peter’s screenplay is written with characters “being real.” No one puts on airs. These characters are real people and talk like real people who are in real situations that are relevant today.

LA MISSION is another fantastic independent film, and is now showing in select cities. Hopefully it is screening at a theatre near you. If not, contact your local theatre and request it. For more information about LA MISSION, visit the official Web site at http://www.lamissionthemovie.com/. You will see the trailer and hear some of the soulful music from the film.

The Forge

The right mentor is an outstanding guide. In the new movie, THE FORGE, Isaiah Wright (played by Aspen Kennedy) is a 19-year old whose mother...