16 June 2016

The Man Who Knew Infinity

In THE MAN WHO KNEW INFINITY Dev Patel plays Srinivasa Ramanujan, a self-educated mathematician who grew up poor in Madras, India. Indian mathematicians quickly recognize Ramanujan's genius, but it takes longer for others to acknowledge it. The film is based on the 1991 biography novel titled The Man Who Knew Infinity by Robert Kanigel.

Eventually after writing letters with theorems, Ramanujan is accepted to Trinity College in Cambridge, England.  His professor, G.H. Hardy (played by Jeremy Irons)  guides him through the process of presenting theories academically. Unfortunately, Ramanujan faces discrimination in England. However, he is focused on uncovering proofs for his theories, and unaffected by the negative people.  The insults just make him stronger and more determined.

It is invigorating watching someone who has found his passion. It is even more pleasing when the person is willing to share and create something that will benefit others. THE MAN WHO KNEW INFINITY shows this, and individuals who watch the movie are likely inspired.

THE MAN WHO KNEW INFINITY is currently playing in theatres.

08 June 2016

Love & Friendship

LOVE & FRIENDSHIP is a romantic comedy set in the 1790's, adapted from Jane Austen's novella Lady Susan, which is an epistolary.  An epistolary is a story written based on documents, such as letters, diary entries, or newspaper clippings. Now one can even write an epistolary from electronic documents like e-mails and blogs.

Kate Beckinsale plays Lady Susan Vernon, a widow with one daughter. Lady Susan acts so proper, as everyone is polite. Meanwhile, there are rumors about her private life. She makes it a mission to find a husband for herself and her daughter.

The movie is very funny and Beckinsale's performance is very good. Overall, the film is well written, has a great cast, and it is enjoyable seeing the period costumes and estates in which the characters live.  LOVE & FRIENDSHIP is currently playing in theatres.

Short Videos Premiere on 'California Life, travel-lifestyle series' Channel

This week new short videos (Season 5) were posted on the 'California Life, travel-lifestyle series' YouTube channel. We made quick t...