24 August 2017

Wind River

WIND RIVER is a thriller movie written and directed by Taylor Sheridan. The entire film is highly suspenseful and provides an uneasy feeling. The circumstances make this possible: the location is a small town in what seems like the middle of no where, snow is on the ground, it is cold, wild animals are present, and the local wildlife officer Cory Lambert (played by Jeremy Renner) finds a woman's dead body.

Since the body is found on a Native American reservation, the sole tribal officer Ben (played by Graham Greene) is put in charge and swiftly contacts the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI). Jane Banner (played by Elizabeth Olsen) arrives. Because murder is not the cause of death, the FBI does not send Banner any back up, and it is up to her to solve the mystery of why the woman had run for so many miles in the snow.

WIND RIVER is currently playing in theatres.

09 August 2017

Lady Macbeth

The movie LADY MACBETH is adapted by Alice Birch from the novella Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District by Nikolai Leskov, which was inspired by the William Shakespeare play Macbeth.  LADY MACBETH is a gothic romance steeped in drama and suspense.  One may even believe the female protagonist Katherine Lester (played by Florence Pugh) is the young Lady Macbeth from the Shakespeare play, if he had written a prequel.

Katherine stops at nothing to get what she wants. This is contrary to how the character is first introduced. Initially, the audience sympathizes with her for having to marry a much older man she does not love. And apparently, he does not love her either. They also share a hatred for his father.

LADY MACBETH is director William Oldroyd's feature film debut. It is an impressive effort, and the decision to not have a film score is brilliant, because the audience is engaged without one.

The movie's official Web site is http://www.ladymacbethfilm.com/.  LADY MACBETH is currently playing in theatres.

Short Videos Premiere on 'California Life, travel-lifestyle series' Channel

This week new short videos (Season 5) were posted on the 'California Life, travel-lifestyle series' YouTube channel. We made quick t...