22 May 2017

All Saints

I had the privilege of attending a preview screening for the upcoming film ALL SAINTS starring John Corbett (as Michael Spurlock).

ALL SAINTS is based on the true story of salesman-turned-pastor, Michael Spurlock--http://archive.episcopalchurch.org/81803_103917_ENG_HTM.htm. Spurlock is ordered by the Episcopal Diocese to shut down a tiny church in rural Smyrna, Tennessee. Unexpectedly, a group of refugees change the direction of All Saints Church. The movie is inspirational as Spurlock and his small congregation slowly embrace the refugees from Southeast Asia. Not only does the church multiply in number, but Spurlock discovers the Karen group knows how to farm and fulfills a vision of growing the church even more instead of shutting it down.

ALL SAINTS focuses on the challenges the church faces implementing the farm on its property. Barry Corbin plays Forrest, an older gentleman who attends All Saints Church and a farmer. Spurlock initially has a difficult time communicating with Forrest, as Forrest resents Spurlock for coming to shut down the church. Corbin's performance is entertaining; he provides the humorous moments of the story.

ALL SAINTS is a compelling story, as it also incorporates the relationships that are formed between the English speakers and the Karen speakers. Viewers want to see the two cultures intersect positively and cheer for the church to become a viable resource in the community.

ALL SAINTS will be in theatres August 25th. The official Web site is http://www.allsaintsmovie.com/.

20 May 2017

A Quiet Passion

Emily Dickinson was an American poet. Unfortunately, Dickinson's poems were published with significant altering during her lifetime. In 1955 Thomas H. Johnson published The Poems of Emily Dickinson, and the literature was unaltered.

A QUIET PASSION eloquently showcases the life of Emily Dickinson with an outstanding performance by Cynthia Nixon as Dickinson. The movie is quiet and quaint just like Dickinson herself. Writer and director Terence Davies shows compassion for his subject. The audience learns about the life of the reclusive poet, details that many would have never known about her.

A QUIET PASSION is currently playing in theatres. The official Web site is http://www.musicboxfilms.com/a-quiet-passion-movies-153.php.

06 May 2017

The Circle

THE CIRCLE, based on the book of the same title, is a different type of film. It shows the consequences of Mae Holland (played by Emma Watson) sharing every activity of her life on social media. Transparency is a reality for many people in today's world, so the story is very relevant.

Tom Hanks gives a fine performance as Eamon Bailey, the co-founder and leader of The Circle. Eamon encourages transparency because it provides opportunity for him and his team to see their innovations in action. The theme here is technology makes us better and everything benefits from it.

The fun scenes in the story display the excitement of working at a large technology company. Everyone loves the job so much they live in an on-site dormitory. The experience is what most people think working at Google is like.

THE CIRCLE is currently playing in theatres. The official Web site is http://thecircle.movie/.

Short Videos Premiere on 'California Life, travel-lifestyle series' Channel

This week new short videos (Season 5) were posted on the 'California Life, travel-lifestyle series' YouTube channel. We made quick t...