I created and produce a travel-lifestyle television series titled California Life. Our theme is: "Traveling in California...searching for unique places." Our host is Aryn Rozelle.
Aryn shows viewers real estate, shopping, unique dining options, and more from various towns in California. For the most part, we will focus on small to mid-size towns because they have more to offer than just charm, and are the heart of the state. Besides, many people have probably watched programs about California cities: San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego. We want to show other places in California, and over time may visit the cities.
The official Web site for California Life is https://www.tdaentertainment.com/CaliforniaLife.htm.
Our YouTube Channel is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJtOUanPr0e85fv7cWCyu4Q/featured. We are looking forward to adding new episodes in the Fall.
The first town Aryn visits is Roseville. You can watch Episode 1 here: